We don’t always wave our green, environment-friendly flag, but Xypex, and its family of crystalline concrete waterproofing products have always had a warm relationship with their surroundings. Being There in more than seventy countries for more than forty years has given us a global understanding of environmental standards and expectations. We continue to support programs like ISO and building-rating systems like LEED that reinforce product quality, corporate responsibility and today’s environmental concerns. To Xypex, Being There and Being Green are ongoing commitments.
Energy efficiency, material selection, minimizing site impact, and VOC reduction – these are the ‘green’ benefits that Xypex products provide the construction world and the pursuit of environmental sustainability.
In these ways and more, Xypex products pass the world’s environmental tests:
• Non-toxic
• No VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds)
• Concrete with Xypex can be recycled 4 Enhances durability for longer building life
• Produced globally. Distributed locally
• Innovative ‘green’ technologies
• Energy efficient