Dam & Irrigation

Preserving Structural Integrity of Dams

The long-term structural integrity of dams and irrigation systems depends on keeping moisture from contacting the steel reinforcement. Inadequate waterproofing, cracks, failing joints, biochemical attacks, alkali aggregate reaction and abrasion are problems often found in this challenging environment.

Deteriorating concrete can lead to water loss, reduction in water flow and expensive unplanned maintenance. Failing or compromised dams and irrigation systems can even threaten public safety and environmental quality, so it is critical to protect and maintain them. Whether specified for new construction, or used for repairing and rehabilitating dams and irrigation systems, Xypex Crystalline Technology blocks water ingress into the structure and extends the life of these critical structures.

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1145 results found

Ikaalisten Vesitorni Water Tower Rehabilitation

Ikaalinen, Finland

The rehabilitation and waterproofing project for the Ikaalisten Vesitorni Water Tower in Finland required materials certified for potable water. Its shape also presented unique challenges making it difficult to install scaffolding and access both the inner and outer basins, so traditional waterproofing methods were not suitable applications.

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Kuhankosken Vesivoimalaitos Hydropower Plant

Laukaa, Finland

The Kuhankosken Vesivoimalaitos hydropower plant project in Laukaa, Finland, involved constructing a new plant adjacent to an existing one, including new underground tunnels. Besides the typical challenges of meeting stringent waterproofing requirements for the dam and other hydropower structures due to high hydrostatic pressures, the project team also faced the complexities of seamlessly integrating the new plant with the old one while adhering to a strict deadline.

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Water Treatment Plant Sainte-Félicité

Sainte-Félicité, Canada

The municipality of Sainte-Félicité, Quebec, Canada, constructed a new water treatment plant, including a new tank, service building, and the development and connection of two wells. Xypex’s advanced crystalline technology was used to ensure permanent waterproofing and protection of critical concrete infrastructure, particularly the reservoir’s wet well foundations and concrete apron, providing lasting durability and self-healing capabilities within the concrete structure.

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Influent Channel & Lift Station Rehabilitation

City of Mulberry, USA

For the wastewater treatment plant upgrades at Lift Station 1-2 in the City of Mulberry, Florida, Vogel Brothers Contractors and Pennoni Engineering delivered a durable concrete waterproofing and protection solution using Xypex Bio-San and Xypex Admix C-500, both known for their excellence in wastewater environments.

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Covenant University

Lagos, Nigeria

In 2018, Covenant University in Lagos, Nigeria, undertook a significant waterproofing and concrete protection project involving two mathematics halls and a hall of residence. The project utilized Xypex Admix, Xypex Concentrate, and Xypex Modified to ensure the highest level of durability and integrity in the treated areas.

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