Xypex Quickset is a water-soluble liquid blend of silicates, neutralizers and penetrating agents specially compounded to harden, dustproof and seal the surfaces of fresh or newly cured concrete floors. Xypex Quickset penetrates into the capillaries of the concrete substrate and chemically reacts with the free lime and calcium carbonate to form a hard, insoluble gel within the pores, thus closing off the small voids. Quickset provides superior hardening and a dustproof finish.

Product Data
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Advantages of Xypex

  • Provides superior hardening and a dustproof finish.

Recommended for

  • Concrete slabs where a hard, abrasion resistant (light to moderate traffic load), dustproof surface is required.


Available in 1 U.S. gallon (3.79 litre) bottles and 5 U.S. gallon (18.95 litre) pails.


Coverage rates will vary depending on surface conditions of the concrete, porosity, and project requirements. Refer to Product Data for specifics.


Xypex products must be stored dry at a minimum temperature of 45ºF (7ºC). Shelf life is one year when stored under proper conditions.

Quickset Application Details

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General Resources

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Martin Mortuary of Grand Junction

Grand Junction, Colorado, USA

The basement of the Martin Mortuary in Grand Junction was in need of immediate rehabilitation due to water infiltration. Xypex products were selected to treat the leaking cracks and construction joints. The products included were: Xypex ConcentratePatch’n PlugGamma CureQuicksetMegamix I & II and Xycrylic Admix. During the application, new leaks were discover and also treated with Xypex. The project has been visited a year after completion and the basement remains dry.

Repsol Fuel Station

São Paulo, Brazil

Xypex Quickset, a clear, surface-hardener, was applied over the concrete slab of this fuel station.


Hamburg, Germany

Situated on the outskirts of the Hamburg dockside, the Deichtorhallen is one of the city’s most famous landmarks. The basement is a storage area for paintings, photographs and other highly sensitive art objects. Because of the proximity of the buildings to the seaside, humidity and water penetration became a problem in this over 100-year-old structure. Water was penetrating through the foundation slab and through cracks in the wall to such a degree that cracks formed in the interior zone. Xypex ConcentrateModifiedPatch'n Plug and Quickset were used successfully to address the problem. Upon further review, the basement is once again a dry storage area for art collections.

Projects Using This Product

Industrial Structures

Repsol Fuel Station


Xypex Quickset, a clear, surface-hardener, was applied over the concrete slab of this fuel station.

General Construction Foundation



Because of the proximity of the buildings to the seaside, humidity and water penetration became a problem in this over 100-year-old structure. Water was penetrating through the foundation slab and through cracks in the wall to such a degree that cracks formed in the interior zone. Xypex Concentrate, Modified, Patch’n Plug and Quickset were used successfully to address the problem. Upon further review, the basement is once again a dry storage area for art collections.

General Construction Foundation

Martin Mortuary of Grand Junction


Xypex products were selected to treat the leaking cracks and construction joints. The products included were: Xypex Concentrate, Patch’n Plug, Gamma Cure, Quickset, Megamix I & II and Xycrylic Admix. During the application, new leaks were discover and also treated with Xypex. The project has been visited a year after completion and the basement remains dry.