In September, Xypex Distributors and Licensees from all over Latin America gathered in the historic city of Cartagena de Indias in Colombia for the 2013 Regional Conference. Almost all countries were represented, with delegates attending from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Peru and Venezuela.
Central to discussions was the progress being made in the implementation of the Xypex Growth Strategy. Chris Miller, International Director at Xypex said: “It was great to see such excellent progress in our key segments over such a short time”. In fact, most countries in the region are growing at a sustainable rate of over 30% per year and are forecasting even more growth in the coming years. Another discussion concerned the importance of teamwork within the region and, as Regional Manager Mauricio Davila stated: “the success in any field in any one country inevitably brings success to the whole region”. Of course, no meeting in Latin America would be complete without celebrating in true Colombian style, and the team spent evenings in the fortified city enjoying the food, sites and sounds. “Lo pasamos muy bien”, was on the lips of many a delegate.