An unique technology to visually confirm the presence of Xypex Admix in hardened concrete.
Category: COMPANY & TECH
Xypex Crystalline Technology Animation
By way of a highly magnified view of one capillary, the animation illustrates how Xypex penetrates concrete and how the catalytic reaction that results ultimately leads to the formation of insoluble crystals and a concrete structure that is permanently waterproofed even against extreme hydrostatic pressure.
Bio-San Animation
Xypex Bio-San is a uniquely designed admixture for integral, long-term protection of concrete in harsh sewage conditions with high levels of H2S that cause Microbial Induced Corrosion (MIC). Watch the animation to learn how Bio-San’s robust dual technology system eliminates the problem.
Inside the Blueprint, CNBC Series
In this video, members of the Xypex leadership team explain how Xypex helps the concrete industry meet these challenges by significantly extending the life of concrete structures using a proprietary crystalline waterproofing technology that is environmentally friendly and can extend the service life of structures from 50 to 150 years.
Xypex Bio San – Protección Antimicrobiana (Spanish)
Xypex Bio-San es un aditivo de diseño único para la protección integral y de largo plazo del concreto en condiciones de aguas residuales severas con altos niveles de H2S que causan corrosión inducida por microbios. Bio-San combina una potente protección antimicrobiana con la tecnología cristalina única de la serie C de Xypex Admix.