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Wastewater Collection & Treatment

Influent Channel & Lift Station Rehabilitation

City of Mulberry, USA

For the wastewater treatment plant upgrades at Lift Station 1-2 in the City of Mulberry, Florida, Vogel Brothers Contractors and Pennoni Engineering delivered a durable concrete waterproofing and protection solution using Xypex Bio-San and Xypex Admix C-500, both known for their excellence in wastewater environments.

Project Sheet
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Penonni Engineering used Xypex Bio-San for its dual functionality of crystalline waterproofing and antimicrobial protection. The product’s integration into the concrete mix provides protection against microbial-induced corrosion (MIC) and chemical attacks, ensuring extended service life in aggressive environments.

The influent channel and grit cell infill were treated with Xypex Bio-San, providing protection against microbial-induced corrosion (MIC), significantly reducing maintenance needs, and extending the infrastructure’s service life.

In the concrete areas adjacent to the Lift Station equipment, Xypex Admix C-500 was added to the mix to waterproof and provide durability of the concrete. This ensures the structural integrity is maintained even in harsh conditions, reducing potential issues related to water egress and chemical attack.

These products help protect the environment by preventing chemical and microbial damage, maintaining the integrity of the wastewater system, and ensuring safe processing and management of wastewater. This project demonstrates a commitment to delivering a high-quality, sustainable, and low-maintenance solution for Mulberry’s wastewater treatment infrastructure.


Market Segments

Wastewater Collection & Treatment


Vogel Brothers Contractors

Engineering Consultant

Pennoni Engineering


City of Mulberry, FL, USA

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A uniquely designed admixture for integral, long-term protection of concrete in harsh sewage conditions with levels of H2S that cause microbial induced corrosion (MIC). Bio-San combines potent antimicrobial protection along with the unique crystalline technology of the Xypex Admix C-Series.

Admix C-500
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Incorporated during batching, add waterproofing and durability to the concrete, with formulations available for a diverse range of mix designs for above-ground and underground structures.